Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the exorcist scary maze game

Top 5 Scary Mazes

If you’re an evil presence there’s nothing you enjoy more than creating a scary maze. Sometimes it’s in the bowls of a spaceship, sometimes it’s in a corn field. But wherever it is, it serves a practical purpose – how often do visitors come wandering into your world of horrors? Not often. So you don’t want them just walking out again. Here are the top 5 scary mazes.

5. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter started off so sweetly with a little trip to the magic shop and bit of broomstick flying… By the fourth movie the characters are running for their goddamn lives in a deadly hedge maze that’s trying to swallow them. And yes, this is an event in a school sports day. Robert Pattinson barely escapes with his hide intact, only to be gunned down by Voldemort. That’s street life.

4. Labyrinth

Top 5 Scary Mazes, including The Exorcist Scary Maze Game

Directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lucas, Labyrinth sees Jennifer Connelly wishing goblins would steal her brother, they do, then she changes her mind. Ungrateful b*tch. To get him back she has 13 hours to negotiate a crazy maze kingdom filled with logic puzzles and dangerous tests. All of which is made more difficult by David Bowie singing at her – “Eve-ry-thing I’ve done, I’ve done for youuuu…”

3. The Shining

The Scary Maze Game & More

Jack Nicholson is bored. Bored bored bored. So he’s staring at the maze model on the table. Wait a minute, isn’t that his family walking about in there? Somebody around here sure is crazy. And before long he’s running around in the life-sized version with an axe in hand shouting gibberish. The next morning he’s having a sit down and there’s an icicle hanging off his nose. The end.

2. Cube

In Cube, the movie is the maze, that’s all you ever see. And this time it’s 3 dimensional, meaning the trapped party can go up and down too in a construction that’s 26 square rooms by 26. Think of it as crawling around inside a giant Rubik’s Cube, with each block presenting a deadly trap. In other words, you’re screwed.

1. The Exorcist Scary Maze Game

The stuff of YouTube legend. The world of movies merges seamlessly with the online world, and the result has been used to scare little sisters, and seemingly tough jocks, all over the planet.

So turn up the volume (to hear the clues), get a steady hand, and see if you can reach the reward on level 4 -

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